
Sono un fotografo italiano, basato a Torino, Italy. Cerco un punto di vista confidenziale sul mondo, senza trama e senza finale.

MY CODE OF ETHICS _ As a documentary photographer, I do not stage events or manipulate the situation for the camera. I not add or subtract elements to or from my photography.



Photo Days Tour 2023 - exhibits during Trieste Photo Fringe.    #October 2 to November 25, 2023. Trieste Airport.    #October 11 to December 31, 2023. HOME Sapore di Casa, Trieste. 

→ "Travel", group exhibition. Blank Wall Gallery, Athens, Greece - September 22 – October 4, 2023

6th Chania International Photo Festival - group exhibition, August 2-9, 2023. Chania, Greece. Grand Arsenal.

Photo Days Tour 2022 - exhibits during Trieste Photo Days Festival - August 31 - October 10, 2022